Monday, February 11, 2008

What the Cat Knows

The cat holds her tongue
The cat holds onto my life.
See she is trying to tell you
Who I am when everyone is gone?
See how she claws at trousers
Glares at skirts
Paces the long hall
Clutching my secrets in her mouth?
Once I tried to curl up
On the floor and talk it out with her
But the soft purr turned to rage
And she made a mouse of me.
Since then there’s been this crazy silence
Around the house
Except for an endless scratching at the door
And her raking sound won’t stop I know
Until everyone knows what the cat knows.

Now, this is one thought about our cats--that they know us best of all and somehow hold our secrets. What do you think? Tell me about your cat!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing your poem:


The cat holds her tongue
The cat holds onto my life.
See she is trying to tell you
Who I am when everyone is gone?
See how she claws at trousers
Glares at skirts
Paces the long hall
Clutching my secrets in her mouth?
Once I tried to curl up
On the floor and talk it out with her
But the soft purr turned to rage
And she made a mouse of me.
Since then there’s been this crazy silence
Around the house
Except for an endless scratching at the door
And her raking sound won’t stop I know
Until everyone knows what the cat knows.