Friday, January 23, 2009

Using Camilla as a 10-lb. weight

You know, I have heard of women using their babies and young children as weights when cleaning the house in order to lose a few inches...but a cat is so much more willing to be hugged, at least for a few minutes. Camilla just thought it was really cool when I started doing deep-knee bends with her yesterday. The expressed goal is to lose ten pounds by the time I go back to Mar de Jade in Nayarit, Mexico, in early March and also to celebrate my birthday. Camilla thinks all of that is just fine and wants to lose a little too.

Everyone could use some of her deep gray fur (maybe make it dark brown?) to keep warm right now in January. In Mexico, however, it will be warm and wonderful. I know Camilla would love to join us in the dance!

Photo: Cauvette Williamson

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