Monday, December 7, 2009

Early December Snow & Camilla

Snowy Scene with Birds--and a Squirrel. It is hard to know what a cat perceives, beyond the treats and stroking. She seems to have abandoned wet food and eats more dry and wants these little treats I call "cookies." We will likely go to Weight Watchers together...

Now that it is really cold, Camilla has altered her sleeping spots and I watch her in amazement do the smart thing, while I run around in summer sandals with wool socks after jamming a toe into the kitchen counter. Too, my outdoor cats (two regulars) seem dismayed by the freezing weather, and the water in the bird bath is frozen.

They all make it, though, while humans watch weather forecasts rather than going outside. Something like that. We are less participatory.

A couple old friends always called squirrels "rats with tails,"
not liking their aggressive feeding nature. But I find them charming, especially sitting up like this one, eating the cracked corn I threw out for the birds.

They seem to answer
Rodney King's
question, "Can't we all just get along?"

December 7, 2009


Denée Barr Art News and More said...

Just viewed. You are also very adept at capturing Camillia via photography.

Anonymous said...

Denee Barr Art News and More said...
Just viewed. You are also very adept at capturing Camillia via photography.